Narrated by Jana Baldovino
Written, directed, produced, animated and edited by Leila Fatima Keita & Felix Klee
produced in collaboration with University of Television and Film Munich
Written, directed, produced, animated and edited by Leila Fatima Keita & Felix Klee
produced in collaboration with University of Television and Film Munich
While cartographing the world, the google street view car sometimes crosses paths with animals. „ Accidental animals“ examines these encounters between the technical reproduction machine and animals like spiders, donkeys or dogs. How comes the algorithm blurs pigs' faces? What does it mean when fifteen cameras meet the animal's eyes?
Festival screenings:
67th DOK Leipzig International Festival for Documentary and Animated Film
Festival Premiers Plans d'Angers
Festival international du court métrage de Clermont-Ferrand
67th DOK Leipzig International Festival for Documentary and Animated Film
Festival Premiers Plans d'Angers
Festival international du court métrage de Clermont-Ferrand